CILC/JILP Symposium 2014.4: Panel Three: MEASURING PROGRESS

1:00 - 2:00 PM | MEASURING PROGRESS Credible, specific and up to date data on child labor remain elusive, even after decades of study. This problem is exacerbated in the agricultural sector where the worst forms of child labor often take place on smallholder family farms, which are often both remote and dispersed and where work can take place on any day of the year. This panel examines two principal questions: what are the key indicators of progress in this complex network of challenges and what are the right instruments to measure this progress in a timely and ongoing fashion? Prof. Andrew S. Dillon Assistant Professor of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics | Michigan State University Ms. Mil Niepold Senior Mediator | Consensus Building Institute Dr. William Myers | Moderator Visiting Scholar, Department of Human Ecology | University of California, Davis